QtVlm Polar Diagram
De VlmWiki
Why provide a polar diagram?
The Polar Diagrams VLM can define a new type of boat available in the game. VLM favors polars corresponding to vessels or existing prototypes.
- qtVlm in Virtual Race Mode - Use the polar assigned to the race.
- qtVlm in Real Boat Mode - Will accept properly formatted polars for your boat.
The most current list of boat polars is: boats VLM
VLM & qtVlm Polar Format
The VLM & qtVlm Polars are available in csv file (comma separated values) http://www.virtual-loup-de-mer.org/Polaires/
The format is:
- Extension of the file name. Csv
- Separator ';' (semicolon)
- Double-entry table
- The first cell always contains 'TWA \ TWS'
- The first line lists the wind forces. Vlm does not go beyond 60 knots of wind.
Beginning of each line ** gives the look, then each value corresponding to the shape and strength of the wind (column heading)
- The digital data of the polar use a decimal point, 'that is the point.' An integer (no point ended) is valid.
- Whites are valid (value = 0.0) but discouraged. Thank you for being explicit
- Text file format is UNIX ie lines that are terminated by LF (Line Feed) and not CR (Carriage Return) and LF. A good text editor windows (PsPad or Notepad + +) knows rerecord this format.
* If the previous line is obscure, report that you do not know by sending your file.
Where / Who to send the polar file?
- The ideal method is to add a ticket space development VLM] (by attaching the file)
- Otherwise, you can also send an email to vlm (at) virtual-winds.org.
Additional Tips
- If you have pictures of the ship corresponding to the pole, it is perfect, it is sufficient to supply the Les_bateaux.