QtVlm Weather Tools/zh-hans

De VlmWiki



  • GRIB.US 上运行 Windows,
  • GRIB 文件恢复 GRIB.US
  • 软件提供了恢复区域地图上显示但几乎没有一个行星图.喜欢它的MaxSea浏览器或zyGgrib的。此外,天气是直接NOAA数据略有不同。



zyGrib is a multi-platform, meaning it will run on Windows, Linux and MacOS.
It is also an evolving software: Consult advertisements often new versions of zygrib.

Its main features are:

  • Download GRIB files for any area that Globe NOAA
  • View GRIB files (Pressure, Wind, Temperature, Precipitation, ...
  • Position of crossing points, draw lines great circle ...

Forum zyGrib: KB
Download page: http://www.zygrib.org/index.php?page=download

'Note:' QtVlm is an evolution of zyGrib for the following functions: connection VLM, synchros WP, pilototos orders, orders of roads, recovering competitors, etc. .. ...)

= Recover = gribs

Encoder ** in the message body: send gfs: xxS, xxS, XXW, XXW | 0.5,0.5 | 0.3 .. 72 | wind (put what you want in the subject) XxS **, xxS, XXW, XXW the requested area (can be xxN, xxS, XXW, xxE ...) 0.5 ** is = one degree grid info wind every 0.5 degree 0.3 .. ** 72: foresaw the 0 to 72 with a given every 3 hours

    • Ex. gfs: 41S, 55S, 140W, 179W | 0.5,0.5 | 0.3 .. 72 | wind (41S northern limit, southern limit 55S, 179W western boundary limit is 140W)
    • If you get a small few kb file it is likely that this is due to a too large area required

Warning ** if your email is configured with an anti-spam, the file may be considered undesirable (Do ad hoc manipulations to recover)

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