"Mon WP"/zh-hans
如果没有值已经满了,您的航点(WP)是下一个标记,输入为'0'(纬度,经度)。 当您填写值(纬度,经度)在2 WP文本框,在下一场比赛中被人遗忘,直到您达到您的航点标记。
- “日期是50°33'40”N001°14'4“W'
- “的最终成绩是之间的线上的2 WP:50°17'24”N004°10'47“W和50°15'00”N004°04'48“W)'
Alternatively and more safely we should choose a suitable WP to circumvent the tip of Lizard (approximately 49 ° 57'N 005 ° 12'W). With a little caution, so as not to bump into the Point, the southernmost tip of Plymouth, retain 49 ° 48'N 005 ° 12'W. This entry is in decimal degrees, or 49.8 and -5.2. For the record, we must divide by 6 (= 1 ') the number of minutes, same for seconds.
and the result is visible on the dial
WP is 158.58 nm cap ortho 254.8
On the map you can see the WP and indicated route.
So we can use the driver circle and better VMG to fail safe (if the winds do not change completely and send us all on the coast anyway (however is nature of the routing and mode of use of instruments).
The parameter @ WPH can choose the course exact to follow once the WP staff (My WP) is triggered. If enabled, the boat will take the course selected from the passage of the WP staff (see image below). This piloting alternative is very useful when passing between islands and tight areas.
Important: The system considers a WP be reached when the distance between the boat and the WP is less than 1/12 the speed of the boat at the last session, approximately the distance traveled during the last session (eg, a speed of 24 knots, the boat "reach" when the waypoint will be located within a circle with a radius ranging from WP 2000). Recent information is valid for racing with "vac" every 5 minutes (for races other "vaccine" should be adapted as appropriate) catégorisation